Mastercard – Generate Income With Out-of-the-Money Covered Calls

In my April 8, 2021 Skim Additional Income with Covered Calls post I disclose the use of out-of-the-money covered calls to generate additional income. In this post, I disclose my intent to once again generate income with out-of-the-money covered calls using my underlying Mastercard (MA) shares now that my covered call option contracts expired worthless [...]

By |May 22nd, 2021|Options|Comments Off on Mastercard – Generate Income With Out-of-the-Money Covered Calls

Hormel – An Overvalued Dividend King

Not all investors seek excitement and volatility from their investments and look to Hormel Foods Corporation (HRL) for its low volatility, stability, and dependability. Although HRL is a high-quality company, the current issue as I see it is that HRL is an overvalued Dividend King. A Dividend King is a US public company with a [...]

By |May 21st, 2021|Dividend King, Equity Investing|Comments Off on Hormel – An Overvalued Dividend King

Raytheon Technologies – Investing For Growth And Profitability

On May 17th I wrote an article in which I analyzed Lockheed Martin. On May 18th, Raytheon Technologies (RTX) held its 2021 Investor Day; it is a significant Lockheed Martin competitor. At this Investor Day, members of senior management outlined how Raytheon Technologies is investing for growth and profitability to generate attractive shareholder returns. In [...]

By |May 18th, 2021|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Raytheon Technologies – Investing For Growth And Profitability

Lockheed Martin – Still A Compelling Value Investment Opportunity

Lockheed Martin Corporation's (LMT) share price has appreciated substantially after my Lockheed Martin Corporation – A Low Risk, Reasonably Valued High-Quality Defense Prime Contractor article and December - February follow-up articles. Looking at LMT's share price in isolation, however, does not enable investors to properly assess the company's current valuation. In this article, I look [...]

By |May 17th, 2021|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Lockheed Martin – Still A Compelling Value Investment Opportunity

ADP – An Overvalued Dividend Aristocrat

My most recent guest post entitled ADP - An Overvalued Dividend Aristocrat at Dividend Power - The Power of Dividend Growth Investing is based on Q3 2021 and YTD results and guidance. I will now be periodically contributing guest posts for Dividend Power. Previous article contributions are Genuine Parts Company – A Slightly Overvalued Dividend King [...]

By |May 15th, 2021|Dividend Aristocrat, Equity Investing|Comments Off on ADP – An Overvalued Dividend Aristocrat

Alimentation Couche-Tard – An Appealing Valuation

As a long-term investor seeking to invest in undervalued/fairly valued high-quality companies, investment opportunities that meet my investment criteria are currently few and far between. Following Alimentation Couche-Tard's (ATD-a.TO and ATD-b.TO) recent $1B private debt offering Press Release, however, I now revisit this existing holding to determine if I should increase my ATD exposure. Based [...]

By |May 15th, 2021|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Alimentation Couche-Tard – An Appealing Valuation

Merck – Reasonably Valued and Poised for More Rapid Growth

On April 29th, Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK) released Q1 2021 results and on May 3rd it held its Merck/Organon Investor Day. I continue to think Merck is reasonably valued and is poised for more rapid growth following my review of the material presented at both events. This brief article is a follow-up to my [...]

By |May 3rd, 2021|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Merck – Reasonably Valued and Poised for More Rapid Growth

The Importance Of Margin Of Safety

Given the current market conditions in which the likes of Robinhood have helped turn the stock market into a casino, I find it to be invaluable to re-read The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. I highly recommend Chapter 20 which covers the importance of margin of safety. Chief Hazard Of A Buyer Of Securities The [...]

By |May 2nd, 2021|General Investing|Comments Off on The Importance Of Margin Of Safety

FFJ Portfolio – April 2021 Report

This is my FFJ Portfolio - April 2021 Report. The portfolio was created in January 2017 to demonstrate how investing in reasonably valued high-quality companies with competitive advantages can assist investors in reaching their long-term financial goals without the need to speculate or chase dividend yield. Skimming Additional Income With Covered Calls Articles posted in [...]

By |May 1st, 2021|FFJ Portfolio Holdings|Comments Off on FFJ Portfolio – April 2021 Report

SPGI – A Richly Valued Dividend Aristocrat

S&P Global Inc. (SPGI) is a high-quality company that has amply rewarded long-term shareholders. Acquiring grossly overvalued shares, however, can result in inferior investment returns even if the company happens to be high-quality. I think SPGI is a richly valued Dividend Aristocrat after reviewing Q1 2021 results and FY2021 guidance. A Dividend Aristocrat is a [...]

By |April 30th, 2021|Equity Investing|Comments Off on SPGI – A Richly Valued Dividend Aristocrat
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