Thermo Fisher Is Richly Valued

  I last reviewed Thermo Fisher (TMO) in this February 2, 2024 post. In that post, I concluded that short term demand softness would likely pressure Thermo Fisher's valuation. With the recent release of Q2 and YTD2024 results and minor revisions to the FY2024 outlook, I revisit TMO. Business Overview I reviewed material presented at [...]

I Would Avoid PPG Industries

  I would avoid PPG Industries, Inc. (PPG) and explain why I would do so in my guest post at Dividend Power. Investors relying on a steady stream of dividend income and who focus heavily on various dividend metrics will undoubtedly have a different opinion. Based on my goals, objectives, risk tolerance, and universe of [...]

I Have Increased My Visa Exposure

I have expressed my concern in several posts in what appears an element of irrational exuberance. This has made it difficult for me to identify attractively valued companies in which I wish to deploy surplus funds. On occasion, however, a company that appeals to me reaches an attractive or reasonable valuation. Enter Visa (V). I [...]

Danaher Is Marginally Overvalued

I last reviewed Danaher (DHR) in this February 1, 2024 post at which time the Q4 and FY2023 results had just been released. Prior to this post, I published Danaher Consistently Generates Strong Free Cash Flow and Danaher - Current Weakness Is A Buying Opportunity following the release of Q2 and Q3 results, respectively. In [...]

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