Investing Using Margin Debt Leaves You Vulnerable

    On February 25, 2018 I posted an article in which I touched upon Warren Buffett’s 2017 Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders. In that article I provided a link to the letter and do so again here for ease of reference. In his letter, Buffett specifically addressed the risks associated with employing the use of debt [...]

    By |February 27th, 2018|General Investing|Comments Off on Investing Using Margin Debt Leaves You Vulnerable

      Warren Buffett’s 2017 Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders

      On Saturday morning, February 24, 2018, Warren Buffett’s much anticipated 2017 Letter to Shareholders was released; Buffett’s Shareholder Letters dating back to 1977 can be accessed here. By the time I compose this post (the afternoon of February 25, 2018) I have already read his letter three times; I will undoubtedly read it several more [...]

      By |February 25th, 2018|General Investing|Comments Off on Warren Buffett’s 2017 Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders

        Information On My Historical Investment Performance

        Due to my extreme reluctance to publicly disclose all our holdings it has dawned on me that it is quite possible readers will look at the FFJ Portfolio and will think ‘Ho Hum!’. Fair enough. In an effort to address the perception some readers may have, I have put together the following snapshot of screen [...]

        By |February 25th, 2018|General Investing|Comments Off on Information On My Historical Investment Performance

          Hormel – FY2018 Guidance Revised Upward

          Summary On February 22, 2018 HRL released its Q1 2018 results and increased FY2018 EPS guidance. Q1 2018 reported revenue growth in the Grocery Products: $613.87M (+1%), Refrigerated Foods: $1.18B (+5%), International & Other: $150.32M (+19%) segments but Commodity turkey breast markets remain at multi-year lows thus resulting in weak results at Jennie-O Turkey Store: $390.65M [...]

          By |February 22nd, 2018|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Hormel – FY2018 Guidance Revised Upward

            How I Reached Financial Freedom Podcast

            In a recent interview with Nick McCullum from Sure Dividend I share the investing and personal finance strategies I used to retire in my mid-50s from a career in Canadian banking. Subject matter in this podcast includes: how I got my start in the world of equity investing; thoughts on mutual funds, ETFs, and other [...]

            By |February 22nd, 2018|General Investing|Comments Off on How I Reached Financial Freedom Podcast

              Genuine Parts – This Dividend King is Now Fairly Valued

              Summary GPC reported strong FY2017 results on February 20, 2018 but the stock price pulled back ~5.2% as the stock was overvalued. The EIS and Motion businesses have been combined into one $6B industrial group as of the beginning of 2018. The rationale for combining these two segments is to provide economies of scale and [...]

              By |February 21st, 2018|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Genuine Parts – This Dividend King is Now Fairly Valued

                Walmart Inc. – Reasonably Valued After Recent Pullback

                Summary WMT reported FY2018 results February 20, 2018 and its stock price dropped ~10%; results were solid but investors had bid up WMT’s stock price to an unreasonable valuation. It continues to generate strong FCF and management is deploying its resources so that WMT can adapt to the evolving retail landscape. WMT announced a ~2% [...]

                By |February 20th, 2018|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Walmart Inc. – Reasonably Valued After Recent Pullback

                  The Coca-Cola Company – Too Many Headwinds to Justify Adding to My Existing Position

                  Summary Coca-Cola is facing declining sales and FCF due to changing consumer preferences. A turnaround plan has been implemented but I suspect positive results will take time to be evidenced. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJ) will positively impact KO but there will be no positive net cash impact for several years. The days [...]

                  By |February 20th, 2018|Equity Investing|Comments Off on The Coca-Cola Company – Too Many Headwinds to Justify Adding to My Existing Position

                    Brookfield Asset Management – A Great Long-Term Wealth Creator

                    Summary BAM has generated a compound annual total return of ~17% (dividends reinvested) since 1997 versus ~7% for the S&P 500. Management is cognizant of short-term performance but the business is managed for the long term with a goal to generate 12% - 15% compound returns over the longer term. BAM partners with institutional investors [...]

                    By |February 18th, 2018|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Brookfield Asset Management – A Great Long-Term Wealth Creator

                      PepsiCo, Inc. – Rewarding Shareholders Despite Challenges

                      Summary PEP released its Q4 and FY2017 results on February 13, 2018. Organic revenue, which excludes the impact of various items, grew 2.3% versus 3.7% in FY2016, and 5% in FY2015. FY2017 Adjusted EPS amounted to $5.23 versus $4.85 in FY2016. PEP’s adjusted EPS includes a one-time $1.70/share benefit from a provisional net tax expense [...]

                      By |February 17th, 2018|Equity Investing|Comments Off on PepsiCo, Inc. – Rewarding Shareholders Despite Challenges
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