
This is my FFJ Portfolio - December 2021 Report; previous monthly reports are accessible in the Archives. The actual monthly reports are accessible here.
In 2021, I transferred holdings between tax-advantaged and taxable accounts for tax planning purposes. One such transfer is addressed in my December 20, 2021 BMO’s Bank of the West Acquisition Bulks Up US Presence post.
December Purchases
I am limiting my purchases in the hope of being able to acquire more attractively valued shares at a later date. I did, however, purchase:
- 100 Blackstone (X) shares @ ~$125 thereby increasing my exposure to 800 shares; and
- 630 The Bank of Montreal ( shares @ $131.34 thereby increasing my exposure to 1288 shares.
FFJ Portfolio Holdings
In my April 12, 2021 FFJ Portfolio Holdings Review: April 2021 post, I disclose my top 30 holdings.
We hold investments in 18 accounts at 2 discount brokerage firms thereby making it a time-consuming process to rank our holdings. Much has changed, however, subsequent to my April 2021 review, and therefore, I intend to set aside the time to complete another portfolio review by mid-January.
FFJ Portfolio - December 2021 Income
In my FFJ Portfolio - November 2020 Report I made the following 2021 FFJ Portfolio dividend income projections:
- Core Accounts – CDN ~$17,600 and USD ~$23,500
- Side Accounts – CDN ~$24,200 and USD ~$17,000
My actual 2021 dividend income from holdings within the FFJ Portfolio is:
- Core Accounts – CDN ~$18,363 and USD ~$28,040
- Side Accounts – CDN ~$22,360 and USD ~$16,040
I will continue to track the dividend income generated from the holdings within the FFJ Portfolio purely for interest's sake. Reaching dividend income targets, however, is not a priority. My focus is on generating attractive total investment returns with an acceptable degree of risk.
FFJ Portfolio - December 2021 Report - Final Thoughts
I am cautiously optimistic the anticipated Fed interest rate increases in 2022 will be a contributing factor to more reasonable equity valuations.
I wish you much success on your journey to financial freedom.
Note: Please send any feedback, corrections, or questions to [email protected].
Disclaimer: I do not know your circumstances and am not providing individualized advice or recommendations. I encourage you not to make any investment decisions without conducting your research and due diligence. You should also consult your financial advisor about your specific situation.
I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it and have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.