You Can't Fix Stupid

You can't fix stupid!

I limit the time spent on social media platforms but wander on X or Threads in moments of weakness. Every time I do, my heart sinks and I long for the days before everyone and their puppy had internet access.

Lately, it seems like 'learning how to trade' is a hot topic. I JUST accessed Threads and this is what I came across.

I am new in the Stock market .. Please share some good advice regarding stock investment for long term , intraday trading etc.

What are some good stocks to invest in?

Are there any new traders here? I want to hear your story how you started and why you want to become one.

Is trading for everyone?

Why trading is so hard?

Hello guys I need a trading mentor

This year will be my learning season of trading. im tired and done of getting liquidated, i really need greed management ffs.

Whose looking to investing 100k usd Into a profitable trading system...

97% of Traders lose their Money in the first 3 Years. So never quit and keep learning!

I'm obsessed with becoming proficient in stock trading

I am out of touch with some of today's lingo. What is the meaning of 'ffs'?

This one 'takes the cake'. Poor guy. His 'math ain't mathing'.

How to make $1 MILLION i a year:
Just save $20 daily, it will be:
20×7 = $140 weekly
140×30 = $4,200 monthly
4,200×366= $1,537,200 yearly

What is truly frightening is that these people are likely to procreate!

In the 1996 movie Mutiplicity, Michael Keaton plays a role in which he has never enough time for the things he wants to do and ends up duplicating himself. Regrettably, the clones start cloning themselves and the level of intelligence diminishes each time a clone clones itself.

While this might sound a bit far fetched, stupid procreating with stupid is common.

Think about this for a moment.

The estimated 2024 population of the United Sates is ~336 million. Erring on the low side, suppose 15% of the population is stupid. That is 50.4 million stupid people! In reality, this figure is probably much higher.

Albert Einstein observed that:

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn't, pays it.

Compounding does wonders if you're an investor. There is also a flip side...the compounding of stupidity.

Perhaps you may recall American comedian Ron White's You Can't Fix Stupid album released on February 7, 2006. This segment of his standup comic routine warns people:

There is not a pill you can take. There is not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever.

Stupidity and investing don't go well together. Making money is serious business. Don't fall for 'get rich quick schemes' and never construe trading to be a serious form of long-term wealth creation (unless you are a professional).

The 'Books' section of this site lists books that can help us learn to invest properly.

I wish you much success on your journey to financial freedom!

Note: Please send any feedback, corrections, or questions to [email protected].

Disclaimer: I do not know your circumstances and do not provide individualized advice or recommendations. I encourage you to make investment decisions by conducting your research and due diligence. Consult your financial advisor about your specific situation.