
FFJ Portfolio - September 2024 Report

It seems like it was just the other day that I posted my FFJ Portfolio - August 2024 report. Now it is time for my FFJ Portfolio - September 2024 report.





Dividend Income

Dividend metrics are of little relevance in my investment decision making process. Nevertheless, I track dividend income and make this information accessible here.

The dividend income received in September is:

  • 'Core' accounts: ~$ 1,738 CDN and ~$ 9,381 USD
  • 'Side' accounts: ~$ 258 CDN and ~$ 1,816 USD


Several changes were made to the FFJ Portfolio in the months leading up to June 25 - the date when the changes in the treatment of capital gains took effect in Canada. All portfolio changes were made based on advice by our tax accountants following their extensive analysis.

As disclosed in several prior posts, I want to minimize my exposure to Canadian companies. This is evident from the significant reduction in the total value of the Canadian holdings within the portfolio.

I also significantly reduced my US exposure in one of the Side accounts.

The combined total value of the US holdings (Core and Side accounts) is similar to that in May 2024. I now have, however, much more 'dry powder' for deployment if/when attractive opportunities arise.

Few purchases have been made in recent months in the US portion of the 'Core' accounts. Nevertheless, the value of this component of the FFJ Portfolio has increased considerably. In my opinion, an increase of this magnitude in such a short time frame suggests we are experiencing a period of irrational exuberance.

April 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 739,787 CDN and ~$ 3,540,445 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 606,667 CDN and ~$ 1,696,869 USD

Total:  ~$ 1,346,454 CDN and  ~$ 5,237,314 USD

May 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 569,237 CDN and ~$ 3,642,078 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 299,732 CDN and ~$ 1,784,750 USD

Total:  ~$ 868,969 CDN and  ~$ 5,426,828 USD

June 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 553,777 CDN and ~$ 3,965,820 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 0 CDN and ~$ 630,943 USD

Total:  ~$ 553,777 CDN and  ~$ 4,596,763 USD

July 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 598,271 CDN and ~$ 4,218,120 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 0 CDN and ~$ 881,679 USD

Total:  ~$ 598,271 CDN and  ~$ 5,099,799 USD

August 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 598,631 CDN and ~$ 4,368,140 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 27,470 CDN and ~$ 931,443 USD

Total:  ~$ 626,101 CDN and  ~$ 5,299,583 USD

September 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 620,426 CDN and ~$ 4,428,345 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 32,226 CDN and ~$ 953,814 USD

Total:  ~$ 652,652 CDN and  ~$ 5,382,159 USD

NOTE: The above values exclude investments in several tax-efficient accounts for which I do not disclose details.

Final Thoughts

I remain cautiously optimistic we will experience a broad market correction.

That's it for now.

I wish you much success on your journey to financial freedom.

Note: Please send any feedback, corrections, or questions to [email protected].

Disclaimer: I do not know your circumstances and am not providing individualized advice or recommendations. I encourage you to make all investment decisions through research and due diligence. You should also consult your financial advisor where appropriate.

I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it and have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.