
FFJ Portfolio - August 2024 Report

This FFJ Portfolio - August 2024 report recaps my investment activity during the month.


During the month of August I made the following purchases:

HEICO (Class A) (HEI-a)

  • 100 shares @ ~$189.47 on August 27 in a 'Core' account. My rationale for increasing my exposure is explained in this August 27 post.

Brookfield Asset Management (

  • 500 shares @ ~$53.814 on August 7 in a 'Side' account. My rationale for increasing my exposure is explained in this August 8 post.

Dividend Income

I track dividend income even though dividend metrics are of little relevance in my investment decision making process.

A dramatic reduction in my dividend income started in July. This is a direct result of adjustments made on the advisement by our tax accountants because of changes instituted by the Canadian Federal government regarding the treatment of capital gains; the monthly dividend income reports are accessible here.

The dividend income received in July is:

  • 'Core' accounts: ~$ 826 CDN and ~$ 1,918 USD
  • 'Side' accounts: ~$ 0 CDN and ~$ 504 USD


The figures reflected below do not include cash being held for deployment when valuations improve.

April 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 739,787 CDN and ~$ 3,540,445 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 606,667 CDN and ~$ 1,696,869 USD

Total:  ~$ 1,346,454 CDN and  ~$ 5,237,314 USD

May 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 569,237 CDN and ~$ 3,642,078 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 299,732 CDN and ~$ 1,784,750 USD

Total:  ~$ 868,969 CDN and  ~$ 5,426,828 USD

June 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 553,777 CDN and ~$ 3,965,820 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 0 CDN and ~$ 630,943 USD

Total:  ~$ 553,777 CDN and  ~$ 4,596,763 USD

July 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 598,271 CDN and ~$ 4,218,120 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 0 CDN and ~$ 881,679 USD

Total:  ~$ 598,271 CDN and  ~$ 5,099,799 USD

August 2024

Core Accounts:  ~$ 598,631 CDN and ~$ 4,368,140 USD

Side Accounts:  ~$ 27,470 CDN and ~$ 931,443 USD

Total:  ~$ 626,101 CDN and  ~$ 5,299,583 USD

NOTE: The above values exclude investments in several tax-efficient accounts for which I do not disclose details.

Final Thoughts

I remain cautiously optimistic we will experience a broad market correction, and therefore, I am not aggressively adding to my existing positions.

That's it for now.

I wish you much success on your journey to financial freedom.

Note: Please send any feedback, corrections, or questions to [email protected].

Disclaimer: I do not know your circumstances and am not providing individualized advice or recommendations. I encourage you to make all investment decisions through research and due diligence. You should also consult your financial advisor where appropriate.

I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it and have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.