Equity Exchange Traded Funds Disadvantages

Despite the following impressive statistics, equity exchange traded funds have disadvantages. Assets Under Management (AUM): In October 2024, AUM were in excess of ~$13T and had experienced a ~20% cumulative annualized growth rate (CAGR) since 2008. Number of ETFs: Over 12,000 ETFs listed globally. Market share: ETFs have more than doubled their market share relative [...]

Dividends Have Drawbacks

Dividends can be a great way to return value to shareholders. They do, however, have drawbacks. Do NOT fixate on dividend metrics. Instead, analyze how companies allocate their capital. They can: reinvest in the business; debt reduction; merge or acquire other businesses; distribute dividends; and/or repurchase shares. Typically, companies employ one or more of the [...]

Roper Technologies – Excellent Company but Too Richly Valued

Summary The company’s total investment return since going public in 1992 grossly exceeds that of the S&P 500. Consistently increases its dividend but is more of a growth stock than an income stock. Unique business strategy enables it to generate free cash flow that is fairly similar to operating cash flow. Business model now allows [...]

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