Carried Interest Is A Hidden Gem

I now pay considerably more attention to the tax implications of my investment decisions. Gone are the days where I looked forward to receiving dividend income. Our circumstances may differ, and therefore, my decision to significantly reduce dividend income may not align with your objectives. Furthermore, the tax treatments of different forms of investment income [...]

Think Like An Owner When Investing

In my recent Tips To Achieve Investment Success post, I touch upon why it is important to think like an owner when investing. Shares are not mere pieces of paper. They represent part ownership of a business. So, when contemplating an investment, think like a prospective owner. - Warren Buffett Many shareholders totally miss the [...]

Tips To Achieve Investment Success

As a follow up to my Investing Should be Like Watching Paint Dry post, this post provides tips to achieve investment success. Success, however, can be as much about what to do as it is what not to do because our emotions lead us to make decisions that are not always rational. The following are [...]

10 Investment Misconceptions

These 10 investment misconceptions impact our ability to make rational investment decisions. Predict Share Price Behavior Making investment decisions based on share price behavior is a fool's game. Before retirement, I would walk through the concourse that ran beneath my office tower and that of adjoining office towers. More often than not, groups of people [...]

Optimize Capital Allocation To Create Long-Term Shareholder Value

During the last several years of my career, my round-trip work/home train commute was ~2 hours. At 5 days/week, that would have been 10 hours/week where I could have read material to improve my knowledge. In hindsight, I did not use my time wisely. On my morning commute, I would be sound asleep within minutes [...]

By |January 20th, 2025|Education|Comments Off on Optimize Capital Allocation To Create Long-Term Shareholder Value

Defy The Odds And Master Your Financial Mind

Most people never set a goal and aimlessly go through life never achieving anything meaningful. Such are the people who ask 'Why?' when they hear of people of go to extremes to achieve what most people would never even remotely contemplate; this is pertinent to the financial aspects of life. In my recent The Illusion [...]

By |January 19th, 2025|Education|Comments Off on Defy The Odds And Master Your Financial Mind
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