FFJ Portfolio Holdings Review: April 2021

In my recent 13 Thoughts To Keep Investing Simple post, I indicated that rebalancing an investment portfolio should occur at least once a year. I last undertook such a review in August 2020 and disclosed my findings in my Portfolio Holdings Review – August 2020 post. Equity values and the CDN/USD FX rate have certainly [...]

By |April 12th, 2021|FFJ Portfolio Holdings|Comments Off on FFJ Portfolio Holdings Review: April 2021

9 Traits of Successful Investors

I don't think anybody is born with the innate disposition for investing and in particular, equity investing. Luck may certainly be a factor in many instances. Success, however, mostly boils down to the hours dedicated to learning, failing, re-learning, and growing as an investor. Although patience and perseverance are key when on the journey to [...]

Skim Additional Income With Covered Calls

Great companies sometimes become grossly overvalued yet we do not want to part with the underlying shares. In such instances, skim additional income with covered calls. Covered Calls A covered call: is a conservative options strategy used to generate income if you think the underlying stock price is unlikely to rise significantly within a specific [...]

By |April 8th, 2021|General Investing|Comments Off on Skim Additional Income With Covered Calls

Avoid Making Poor Financial Decisions

Avoid making poor financial decisions and your life will be so much less stressful! This is what goes through my mind when I see people walking in and out of PayDay Loan outlets. Payday lenders like to view themselves as financial services companies that promote themselves as 'putting people first'. I find this extremely puzzling [...]

By |April 7th, 2021|General Investing|Comments Off on Avoid Making Poor Financial Decisions

CME Group Is A Unique Dividend Gem

I am continually searching for attractively valued high-quality companies in which I can invest. In August 2018, I delved into the historical financial results and earnings guidance of CME Group Inc. (CME). Based on my analysis I came to the realization that CME Group is a unique dividend gem and disclosed that I would be [...]

By |April 6th, 2021|Equity Investing|Comments Off on CME Group Is A Unique Dividend Gem

Prepare for a Stock Market Correction

I do not know when it will happen. I just know it will happen. That is why we must prepare for a stock market correction. I have only been an equity investor since the late 1980s so I certainly do not have the experience and expertise of the world’s super investors. I have, however, witnessed [...]

By |April 2nd, 2021|General Investing|Comments Off on Prepare for a Stock Market Correction

FFJ Portfolio – March 2021 Report

This is my FFJ Portfolio - March 2021 Report. The portfolio was created in January 2017 to demonstrate how investing in high-quality companies with competitive advantages can assist investors in reaching their long-term financial goals without the need to speculate or chase dividend yield. FFJ Portfolio Realignment I wrote several articles during the month but [...]

By |April 1st, 2021|FFJ Portfolio Holdings|Comments Off on FFJ Portfolio – March 2021 Report
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