Options – SOLD Out of the Money July 17 2020 Covered Calls on BDX

I periodically employ a conservative 'out-of-the-money covered call' option strategy when I think I can generate some option premium income and I have a strong probability of retaining the underlying security. Summary Despite BDX’s credit risk being higher than that to which I am accustomed I remain confident the company is on track to have [...]

By |June 22nd, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Options – SOLD Out of the Money July 17 2020 Covered Calls on BDX

Options – Covered Calls UPDATE

I periodically employ a conservative 'out of the money covered call' option strategy when I think I can generate some option premium income and I have a strong probability of retaining the underlying security. In my May 4, 2020 article I disclosed that I had written the following covered calls: Chevron Corporation (CVX) 10 contracts [...]

By |June 19th, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Options – Covered Calls UPDATE

FFJ Portfolio – May 2020 Report

This is my May 2020 FFJ Portfolio report. The portfolio was created in January 2017 for the purpose of demonstrating how investing in high quality companies with competitive advantages and with a record of consistently increasing dividends can assist investors in reaching their long-term financial goals without the need to speculate or to chase dividend [...]

By |May 30th, 2020|FFJ Portfolio Holdings|Comments Off on FFJ Portfolio – May 2020 Report

Options – SOLD Out of the Money July 17 2020 Covered Calls on CP

I periodically employ a conservative 'out-of-the-money covered call' option strategy when I think I can generate some option premium income and I have a strong probability of retaining the underlying security. In recent articles (here and here) I disclosed that I occasionally write short-term out-of-the-money covered calls if I think there is a strong probability [...]

By |May 25th, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Options – SOLD Out of the Money July 17 2020 Covered Calls on CP

Options – SOLD Out of the Money July 17 2020 Covered Calls on BMO, BNS, CM, RY, and TD

I periodically employ a conservative 'out of the money covered call' option strategy when I think I can generate some option premium income and I have a strong probability of retaining the underlying security. As a long-term investor I generally do not exit a position even if I think there is a strong probability a [...]

By |May 22nd, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Options – SOLD Out of the Money July 17 2020 Covered Calls on BMO, BNS, CM, RY, and TD

3M – Initiated Position For Daughter’s Investment Portfolio

The Fed is currently supporting the US economy which has led to the share price/valuation of many companies to be at levels which are unsustainable if Fed support is ever reduced/withdrawn. In my opinion, investors would be wise to dial back risk. 3M (MMM) is profitable and generates positive Free Cash Flow. Its current valuation [...]

By |May 21st, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on 3M – Initiated Position For Daughter’s Investment Portfolio

Options – SOLD Out of the Money June 19 2020 Covered Calls on CVX, WMT, V, and BDX

I periodically employ a conservative 'out of the money covered call' option strategy when I think I can generate some option premium income and I have a strong probability of retaining the underlying security. In recent articles I have expressed my concern with respect to the behavior of the North American equity markets during this [...]

By |May 4th, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on Options – SOLD Out of the Money June 19 2020 Covered Calls on CVX, WMT, V, and BDX

FFJ Portfolio – April 2020 Report

This is my April 2020 FFJ Portfolio update. The portfolio was created in January 2017 for the purpose of demonstrating how investing in high quality companies with competitive advantages and with a record of consistently increasing dividends can assist investors in reaching their long-term financial goals without the need to speculate or to chase dividend [...]

By |May 1st, 2020|FFJ Portfolio Holdings|Comments Off on FFJ Portfolio – April 2020 Report

Revisiting the Importance of Positive Personal Free Cash Flow

COVID-19 has only recently been declared a pandemic yet within a very short timeframe, the personal financial situation of many people has been completely upended. In my June 8, 2018 'The Importance of Positive Personal Free Cash Flow' article I discussed my thoughts on this subject matter never having expected the circumstances we currently face. [...]

By |April 26th, 2020|Budgeting and Debt|Comments Off on Revisiting the Importance of Positive Personal Free Cash Flow

E-L Financial Corporation Limited – Often Overlooked

E-L Financial Corporation Limited (ELF.to) is traded on the TSX. It is thinly traded because the majority of the shares are held by one of Canada's wealthiest families. Furthermore, shares trade at $680 as I compose this article. I am in agreement with management that shares are currently undervalued. An announcement was made March 4, [...]

By |April 18th, 2020|Equity Investing|Comments Off on E-L Financial Corporation Limited – Often Overlooked
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